Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Learn about recruitment in 5 minutes


1). Define recruitment?

Ans. According to Yoder “ Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.”
It is a process to locate the sources where from the required human resource can be available and attract them towards the organization.

2). What are the factors effecting recruitment?

Ans. The factors effecting recruitment are: -
• Size if the organization.
• The staffing condition.
• The effect of past recruiting efforts.
• Working condition and salary.
• Rate of growth of organization.
• The future expansion plans.
• Cultural, economic and legal factors.
• Company’s image.
• Recruitment policy.

3). Give the features of recruitment policy?

Ans. The features of recruitment policy are as following: -
• Recruitment is a process or series of action.
• It is a linking activity as it brings employer and prospective employees together.
• It is a positive function.
• The basic function of recruitment is to locate the sources of people required to meet the job requirements.
• It is a pervasive function.
• Recruitment is a two-way function as it takes both recruiter and recruit together.

4). Give the steps involved in recruitment process?
Ans. The recruitment process consists of following steps:-
• Recruitment process generally starts when the personnel department receives requisition for recruitment from any department the company.
• Locating and developing the sources for recruitment.
• Identifying the perspective candidate.
• Communicating the information about the organization and job.
• Encouraging the identified candidate to apply for the position offered.
• Evaluating the effectiveness of the recruitment process.
5). What are the sources of recruitment?
Ans. The sources of recruitment are broadly classified into two categories and they are: -
• Internal source: - It consists of :
1. Transfer
2. Promotion
3. Employee referrals
4. Former employee
5. Dependents and relatives of deceased and disabled employee.
• External source : - It consists of :
1. Advertisements
2. Educational institute
3. Placement agencies
4. Employment exchange
5. Labour contractors
6. M&A’s
7. Recruitment at factory gate
8. Job portals

6). Give merits and demerits of internal recruitment?

Ans. Merits of internal recruitment are: -
• Suitability of exiting employees can be judged.
• It promotes loyalty and commitment among employees due to sense of security.
• It improves the morale of employees.
• It improves the level of motivation.
• The time and expenditure of recruitment is reduced.

Demerits of internal recruitment are: -

• It may lead to inbreeding.
• It discourages flow of new blood into the organization.
• The choice of selection is restricted.
• Mobility of labour is restricted.

7). Give the merits and demerits of external recruitment?

Ans. Merits of external recruitment are: -
• Big pool of candidates can be acquired.
• As recruitment is done in the big market, the best selection can be made irrespective of caste, color and creed.
• It never dries up.
• It helps to bring new blood and new ideas to the organization.

Demerits of external recruitment are: -
• It is more expensive.
• It is time consuming.
• Since employee will be new to the organization so orientation and training is necessary.

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